
The small villages located in the rural area of Faisalabad District face, every day, the lack of renewed sources of drinking water, fundamental to lead a healthy life. For this reason, they live in poor hygienic conditions which contribute to the spread of various diseases, especially among children. In Pakistan, around 5.000 children suffer from serious intestinal diseases and the infant mortality rate is still very high. Moreover, high unemployment and high illiteracy rate hinder access to proper treatments and drug therapies.

To face this terrible situation, the Parish of the Assumption Catholic Church, within St.Joseph school, organises, on Saturdays, medical camps for those who come from the villages and need medical care. The school is the easiest place to be reached by the children and their families and Saturday is the best day to move.

The team working at the camp is composed by a doctor, two med students on voluntary service and the Sisters of the Charity Sisters Congregation. The medical staff see and listen to every patient, so that they can be given a proper treatment to be followed according to the medical prescription.

The majority of those who come to the medical camps, present health problems which need basic treatments. Without this service people from this area could not afford medicines nor medical checkups in hospitals or health centres.

Medical camps are mainly addressed to children. An average of 100 children and 50 adults are cured during each camp. Vengono trattate alcune delle malattie più diffuse in Pakistan: colera, febbre tifoide, intossicazione alimentare, diarrea, difterite, pertosse, tetano, poliomielite acuta, parotite, rabbia, morbillo, varicella, vaiolo, epatite virale, raffreddore e tosse.

The medical camp is also an occasion for people to learn basic sanitary regulations that alone can improve their state of health.