
Around 30% of the urban area of Quito, the capital of Ecuador, is made of marginal neighborhoods originated from the settlement of internal migrants coming from the country’s rural areas. These neighborhoods do not provide all basic services. Family mothers usually do housework and look after their children, while fathers work as builders in the housing sector. Men are widely considered to be superior to women and this often causes domestic violence and abuse. Such phenomena come from the lack of education, usually related to the absence of capacity for initiative and accountability.

As far as terminal diseases and palliative care are concerned, there is no national legislation that defends the right to a dignified death. Children and teenagers are not appropriately assisted in terms of oncological treatments nor of palliative care. Supporting these age groups during the illness is a priority to the San Camillo Hospital, which engages in offering children and their families a welcoming environment and human and professional effectiveness that could meet the needs of anyone in a terminal condition.

The “Fundación Ecuatoriana de Cuidados Paliativos FECUPAL” is a Non-Profit Organisation pioneer in the care of terminal patients and their families. FECUPAL was established by Camillias and since 2014 has been running the Hospice San Camillo, a residential unit for palliative care to terminally ill patients. Those who live here together share the same issues and can support each other through mutual help in order to face the disease and the palliative care in the best way. PRO.SA Foundation supports the activities of the paediatric unit that targets children and young people. Palliative care is provided at the specialised centre or door-to-door, focusing on specific child and teen needs and trying to involve families in the process.