PRO.SA in italy
The activities of PRO.SA in Italy are not limited to the organisation of Global Education Citizenship paths in schools and youth centres, they also address to different age ranges, in different ways, trying to sensitize an increasing number of people.
On the occasion of the International Day against violence against women, PRO.SA foundation staged in three different cities in Lombardy a photo exhibition about “Stop the Violence” project: a commitment of the Foundation against Gender Based Violence. The exhibition is made of 21 photos which show the life in the slums of Lusaka. The photos were taken by the photographer Matteo Broggi who visited “Stop the Violence” project.
The photo exhibition was hosted and sponsored for the first time at the Centro Milano Donna in Milan and it was inaugurated by the first citizen of Milan on 24th November 2018.
In December 2018, the exhibition was staged at the Municipal Library of Nembro (BG) and during the inauguration, the project coordinator of PRO.SA Foundation, Elena Arvati, shared her experience next to women and girls, victims of violence and cultural prejudices.
From 24th November to 8th December 2019, the exhibition was staged at Palazzo Muratori in Romano di Lombardia (BG) and during the two weeks, it was visited by different groups: ten classes from a local Secondary School; a group of twenty preadolescents and about thirty foreign mothers from a local association. It was a great opportunity of exchange to reflect and to raise awareness on a theme which is still relevant today, not only in Zambia. Moreover, at the end of the exhibition, Elena Arvati held a meeting to tell us one more time about the situation in Kanyama, Lusaka, and about the important achievements of the project.
Who would like to know or make known “Stop the Violence” photo exhibition, can contact us writing at