COVID-19 Emergency

Since more than 6 months, Vegiwada Parish, in the South West of India, is also considered red zone.

Here, because of the lockdown and the heavy rains, the poorest and most marginalized Dalit people cannot make it through the day. Generally, they work in the fields or serve rich families of the area, who are now afraid of contagion, therefore they do not earn their daily salary and they struggle every day to get food and other basic needs trying to stay safe and minimizing the risk of contracting the virus.

In order to face this major emergency, preserving the psycho-physical wellbeing of the population, PRO.SA Foundation is supporting the distribution of care packages for 500 Dalit families from Vegiwada Parish.

Each care package contains: a 5-kilo bag of rice, one liter of oil, 1 kilo legumes, different kinds of vegetable, a bag of wheat flour and a bag of meal. The latter are necessary to cook poor dishes typical of Southern India like the upma, a basic dish which contains the daily requirement of carbohydrates and proteins.